We are surrounded by the infinite Universe, ever expanding, always changing.
This quantum field is filled with infinite potential as well as basic substances of materialization that are required to bring the spiritual universe into the physical universe.
This field of potential and infinite power is all around us, and yet we lack the basic understanding of how to harness the quantum into manifested reality, due to the fractal nature of our human consciousness.
The Galactic Chamber Rebalancing Session brings the quantum field into focus, expanding our viewpoint so that we can better actualize in the physical.
Rebalancing our connection with the fabric of reality, while harmonizing our energy centers to higher galactic frequencies.
The Galactic Chamber Rebalancing provides us with a whole new base from which we can affect the world and the environment around us.
Chronos, the Great Timekeeper, works throughout this session to bring all levels of consciousness into the HERE and NOW, the only place in time where humans can create their reality.
With this unparalleled vantage point of heightened connection to the infinite Now, our ability to manifest and ground our creation increases exponentially.
This session will:
– Rebalance your mind and body
– Center yourself in your body
– Increase your clarity
– Improve your overall health
– You can start living with laser-like focus, clarity, alignment and coherence of your entire being.
Reorganize your energy to hold more light in your body.
Helps bring the infinite holographic potential into your body, where you can manifest with greater power.
THIS IS A GROUP HEALING SESSION. Read testimonials here.
Contact MMS Norcal for any question – eventsmmsncal@gmail.com.

Ambassador Eric Thompson is a guide, teacher, entrepreneur, and President of the Modern Mystery School of South America, a worldwide organization with representation in over 46 countries around the world.
He is an international teacher and speaker having brought powerful transformational teachings to 1000’s of people in Brazil, Canada, the United States, and Israel.
Eric worked in Hollywood as a sound engineer, doing sound work in films with famous actors and actresses. He lived among celebrities, in a world of illusions and fantasies.
“I had a great car, a big house, and a great salary.
But even though everyone thought I was the guy, I was living an unhappy life, full of ups of downs, far more downs than ups…So down that I hit rock bottom.”
He used drugs, was extremely controlling and jealous.
“Nobody could stand me, and I couldn’t stand myself.
Until the day I decided to change everything.”
Ambassador Eric helps you to unlock keys to knowing yourself so that you can eliminate what is blocking you from your desires and becoming your true self. One of his best strengths is in making esoteric teachings very practical and applicable in the physical world. Helping you to get results is his top priority.